Flow Cytometry Instruments


BD FACScalibur

The rugged small benchtop flow cytometer can be used for shipboard analysis of picoplankton and for sorting radioactively-labeled microorganisms for down-stream analysis. Because of its cuvette-based analysis system, it is a very sensitive system capable of even detecting virus-like particles. The closed mechanical sorter makes it a safe system to work with radioactive material.


BD FACS Calibur
BD FACS Calibur © Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology/B. Fuchs

BD Influx Mariner

The Influx is our next-gen flow sorter for multiparameter analysis and high-speed cell sorting for e.g. genome analyses. It is a stream-in-air droplet sorter with a high sensitivity forward scatter detector, four lasers (UV, blue, yellow and red) and four octagon detection units comprising 13 PMTs in total.

Since the machine is built on a robust steel frame on rolls, it is movable and in principle suitable for usage on-board a research ship.

The robotic sampler can be used for sorting cells into a wide variety of collection vials from small PCR tubes to 384 multi-titer plates to microscope slides.

Analysis rates are typically between 1,000 - 10,000 events per second, sort rates depend on the target cell densities and can reach up to 1000 per second. Using optimal settings, the purity is typically >99%.


Influx Mariner
BD Influx Mariner © Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology/B. Fuchs
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